Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Actual Online Earnings for February, 2011

One thing about goals you make yourself is that they can become goals you break yourself!  I had made a goal to finish writing my book in February and when it became apparent that the flu was going to take up residence at our house and wear out its welcome, I allowed that goal to slide away.  I was then only left with my goal of achieving Triond’s February bonus.  In order to qualify for an additional 30%, I needed to write 20 qualifying articles and managed to squeak in on the very last day with the last one.
Though my total online earnings for the month were about half of what I expected before I knew that I would be caring for six sick children all month and be sick myself, I am thrilled with how much of the online earnings came from my article writing.  I am especially happy since I did not do any writing at all other than on Triond and wrote less than 30 articles total.  This means that my residual earnings are continuing to increase.  This is a trend that I hope continues.  
Here are my online earning totals for the month of February, 2011:
Bukisa         $5.72
RedGage $0.26
Triond $11.90*
Surveylion $8.00
ACO Surveys $3.00
*Triond earnings are a reflection of the February bonus, regular Triond, and *dsense. 

Total earnings for February, 2011         $28.88

For March, I am going to finish writing that book if it kills me!  I hope to have it in e-book format by April.  I also plan to write 20 articles and to launch the adoption website I have been working on.  March will be a big month, but as most of those projects are foundation laying, I do not expect my income to be any higher than it was in February.  Hopefully, April will see me breaking that $100 mark!

1 comment:

  1. I notice your residual income appears to have increased month on month - hopefully for you it will continue!
