In February, Triond is offering a special. If you publish 5 articles, you get an additional 10% on your monthly earnings. If you publish 10 articles, you get an additional 20% and if you publish 20 articles, you get an additional 30% on your monthly earnings! There is some fine print involved in that the articles need to be published on qualifying sites, so need to be on certain topics. This is a very broad range though including Domestic (anything parenting, housekeeping, etc.), Sports, News, Humour, Health, Business, Science, Computers, and a few others.
I was planning to write very few articles in February and just see what the residual earnings would be, but this special is too good to pass up. I have written 9 articles towards the bonus so far, so I already qualify for the additional 10% and am one article away from the additional 20%. I am planning obviously to try to write 20 qualifying articles to get the 30% bonus.
If you are interested in signing up with Triond, it is free to join and I really enjoy the writing community over there. I have learnt a lot already. They only accept new work, so you cannot re-publish a blog post or already published article of yours. You can however, publish something new at Triond and then turn it into a blog post or repost it elsewhere.
My writing has been really slow this month. I don't have a babysitter as often anymore, the kids have been sick, and I have had birthday parties to plan (3) and other projects on the go. I still have big plans for working on my book this month, but haven't so far. I'll keep you posted!
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