Friday, May 13, 2011

Book is Basically Done

My book has been written.  Before I can put it up on Kindle, I need to do a few things like have a cover designed, get permission to use a song's lyrics, get someone to edit my Epilogue, and e-mail an author (as a courtesy) whose book is mentioned in mine.

It is really strange to have it pretty much finished.  54,180 words...194 story...

I feel more nervous than relieved, but I am excited to move onto other projects once this is done.  I have three or four short e-books I want to write that are adoption related and I already have the skeleton for one of them mapped out so I am looking forward to starting on those shorter projects.

If all goes well, I could potentially have those little details wrapped up within a few weeks and have my book up on Kindle in June, perhaps even by June!!!  It makes me feel shaky and a bit sick to think that people will read what I've written and judge it.  I know that it is ridiculous to feel this way because I have been blogging for six years and people have been reading and judging that for most of those years, but somehow, this seems different.

Wish me luck!